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Lets talk about SelfLove and SelfCare! As i’m sure you know is a SelfLove empowerment company! We are dedicated to helping you have Self-care processes in place in order to met your full potential as an individual or as I like to say to grow, shine, conquer and become the best version of yourself. However with time being faster then usual, life can get in the way and prevent you from your practise! Something I have struggled with is getting myself out of the way in order to help myself… things like getting distracted, being lazy, not holding your integrity is all ‘you getting in the way’. You might not know but subliminally this is all happening, you might find you get lost on your phone and loss tract of the time by accident but believe it or not, it all subliminally inline. It’s the same as when you say you’re going to go to the gym… we have all had this conversation, you put yourself in the way when you create excuses and reasons. You rob yourself of your full potential. Why do we do it? It’s different for everyone, for me it’s a lack of belief. The little voice inside my head telling me I can’t, i’m not worth it, i’m not good enough, why you, your not special? The voice doesn’t have to be talking for me to know how loud it is. So how do I get myself out of the way?

There’s a couple step you have to take in order to be completely honest and powerful with yourself. Starting to plan what self care and self love looks like for you is the first step. Below is a link to where you can downloads your ‘self care plan’ and fill it out if you don’t know where to start.

Start by finding a routine around your normal day, as I always say if you are super passionate about something you will always make it work. Sit down and work out what your day to day looks like and fit in 5 minuets to take for yourself then as time goes on expand it to 10 minuets, 20 minuets etc. But don’t cheat yourself, tell the people you are around and make sure they keep you accountable. Remember every time you miss your ‘me time’, you put it off for ‘more important’ things, you lose respect and love for yourself.

Next step is gratitude, finding something in everything you do to be grateful for, it will be hard at first but I promise you the more you practise this the lighter you will be and all you will see is good in everyone!

Try new things, stepping outside your comfort-zone and testing yourself, there’s no growth inside your comfort-zone, It’s not going to be easy but in order for you to take that next step you need to gamble on yourself first. You can expect to grow if you are staying comfortable.

Finding peace in the past! This is a bigger task and I don’t expect you to do it on your own, if you know you can complete things from your past and your ready to let go of them, do so! If you can stop caring the weight of what you can’t change then let it go as fast as you can. But if not that’s fine, its a slow process sometimes, what you do have to remember is how import the lesson you have learnt and the person you have become from that experience. People aren’t always going to be nice, life isn’t easy but you can always control your reaction and your emotions around the situation. Don’t create unnecessary meaning from a situation that doesn’t need to have it. Accept what happened, happened and step forwarded into your powerful future letting that go. If you need help or guidance through this you can book a free coaching call with me from the link below!

‘’Find the love in yourself to not need the approval of others’’ - CB.

Self love is a powerful emotion and when you have a taste of it, you won’t be able to let it go! Remember your never alone in this and there is always someone to guide and support you!

Charli Barker x

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